The master list

  1. “At the Round Earths Imagin’d Corners” [John Donne]
  2. “Gratefulness” [George Herbert]
  3. “My November Guest” [Robert Frost]
  4. “Frost at Midnight” [Samuel Taylor Coleridge]
  5. “Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening” [Robert Frost]
  6. “In the Valley of the Elwy” [Gerard Manley Hopkins]
  7. “Sonnet 30” (When to the sessions) [William Shakespeare]
  8. “Love III” [George Herbert]
  9. “Loomings” (first paragraph of Moby Dick) [Herman Melville]
  10. “Prayer (I)” [George Herbert]
  11. “Those Winter Sundays” [Robert Hayden]
  12. “Birches” [Robert Frost]
  13. “The Lowest Place” [Christina Rossetti]
  14. “The Posie” [George Herbert]
  15. “I’m Nobody! Who are you?” [Emily Dickinson]
  16. “Assault” [Edna St. Vincent Millay]
  17. “The Road Not Taken” [Robert Frost]
  18. “The Elixir” [George Herbert]
  19. “The Collar” [George Herbert]
  20. “Lines Composed a Few Miles above Tintern Abbey” [William Wordsworth]
  21. “Degrees of Gray in Philipsburg” [Richard Hugo]
  22. “My Last Duchess” [Robert Browning]
  23. “Thou Hast Made Me” [John Donne]
  24. “Good Friday 1613. Looking Westward” [John Donne]
  25. “To an Athlete Dying Young” [A. E. Housman]
  26. “Do not Go Gentle into that Good Night” [Dylan Thomas]
  27. “Sonnet 18 (Shall I Compare Thee)” [William Shakespeare]
  28. “A Narrow Fellow in the Grass” [Emily Dickinson]
  29. “Kubla Khan” [Samuel Taylor Coleridge]
  30. “This is My Play’s Last Scene” [John Donne]
  31. “Ozymandias” [Percy Bysshe Shelley]
  32. “Composed Upon Westminster Bridge” [William Wordsworth]
  33. “To Celia” [Ben Johnson]
  34. “Aaron” [George Herbert]
  35. “Death” [George Herbert]
  36. “Batter My Heart” [John Donne]
  37. “All the World’s a Stage” [William Shakespeare]
  38. “Spring and Fall” [Gerard Manley Hopkins]
  39. “To Autumn” [John Keats]
  40. “Sonnet 55” (Not Marble Nor the Gilded Monuments) [William Shakespeare]
  41. “Death Be Not Proud” [John Donne]
  42. “The Raven” [Edgar Allen Poe]
  43. “The Second Coming” [William Butler Yeats]
  44. “The Thanksgiving” [George Herbert]
  45. “An Apple Gathering” [Christina Rossetti]
  46. “After Apple Picking” [Robert Frost]
  47. “What if this Present Were the World’s Last Night?” [John Donne]
  48. “The Woodspurge” [Dante Gabriel Rossetti]
  49. “Tears, Idle Tears” [Alfred, Lord Tennyson]
  50. “They Flee from Me” [Thomas Wyatt]
  51. “The Altar” [George Herbert]
  52. “A Valediction: Forbidding Mourning” [John Donne]
  53. “Dover Beach” [Matthew Arnold]
  54. “On His Blindness” [John Milton]
  55. “So We’ll Go No More a Roving” [George Gordon, Lord Byron]
  56. “Pied Beauty” [Gerard Manley Hopkins]
  57. “Up-Hill” [Christina Rossetti]
  58. “Mending Wall” [Robert Frost]
  59. “The Kraken” [Henry Wadsworth Longfellow]
  60. “To the Virgins, to Make Much of Time” [Robert Herrick]
  61. “The Bag” [George Herbert]
  62. “If” [Rudyard Kipling]
  63. “The Tyger” [William Blake]
  64. “Because I Could Not Stop for Death” [Emily Dickinson]
  65. “The Buried Life” [Matthew Arnold]
  66. “A Noiseless Patient Spider” [Walt Whitman]
  67. “Fern Hill” [Dylan Thomas]
  68. John 1:1-18 [John the Apostle]
  69. John 13-17 [John the Apostle]
  70. All the texts of Handel’s Messiah [G. F. Handel]
  71. Romans 5-8 [Paul the Apostle]
  72. 1 Peter 1 [Peter the Apostle]
  73. Isaiah 40 [Isaiah the Prophet]
  74. Isaiah 42:1-17 [Isaiah the Prophet]
  75. Isaiah 43:1-7 [Isaiah the Prophet]
  76. Isaiah 44:9-20 [Isaiah the Prophet]
  77. Isaiah 49:13-18 [Isaiah the Prophet]
  78. Isaiah 50:4-9 [Isaiah the Prophet]
  79. Isaiah 52:7-10 [Isaiah the Prophet]
  80. Isaiah 53 [Isaiah the Prophet]
  81. Isaiah 55 [Isaiah the Prophet]

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